The new filter bag is prone to blockage, and the flue gas during startup contains a considerable amount of water vapor and other condensable gases. Moreover, the combustion of fuel is not complete, and the temperature of the dust removal bag manufacturer will be lower than the dew point temperature. High temperature filter bag pre spraying will cover the filter material surface with an ash layer (Calcium hydroxide) to prevent blocking due to water vapor. During pre spraying, the boiler must be offline.
If the heating boiler stops operating during the warm season, the filter bag must be pre coated again after stopping.
Management of Spare Parts for Bag Filter
A. The spare parts for bag filters include filter bags, filter bag frames, pulse valves, diaphragms, air compressor air filters, air compressor oil, etc.
B. The number of spare parts for filter bags should be equivalent to 5% of the total number of filter bags; The number of spare parts for the filter bag frame shall not be less than 2% of its total quantity; vein
The quantity of spare parts for flushing valves shall not be less than 5 ‰ of their total quantity and shall not be less than 1; The number of spare parts for pulse valve diaphragms shall not be less than 5% of the total number and shall not be less than 10; At least one spare air filter for the air compressor.
C. When the bag filter runs until 6 months before the design life of the filter bag, users should start purchasing the filter bag.
D. The spare parts of the bag filter should be properly stored in the spare parts warehouse and a ledger should be kept.
E. The user should have the specifications and dimensions of the bag filter bag, bag frame, and flower board for the bag type dust collector.